EFL Teachers’ Cognition and Identity in Teacher Education Contexts.
EFL Learners’ Personality Traits and Language Development.
Second Language Acquisition and Language Skills.
Digital Literacy, Flipped Classes, and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL).
An exploratory needs Analysis in Iran.
The Effect of Project Based Learning on Teaching EFL Iranian Learners’ Vocabulary Breath.
The Effect of Project Based Learning on Iranian EFL learners’ English Passive Structure Learning.
The Effect of Project Based Learning on Iranian EFL learners’ Pragmatic Competence Development.
The Effect of Project Based Learning on Iranian EFL learner’s’ Self-assessment.
Computer mediated communication and language learning.
curriculum development and Intercultural Communication.
The effect of synchronous computer mediated communication on oral proficiency.
The effect of low-level first language skills and second language learning and listening comprehensions on Iranian young dyslexic and non-dyslexic language learners.
The relationship between genre analysis and rhetorical structure analysis on ELT research articles.
The comparative between ESP and genre analysis in Iranian TESOL articles.
The effect of gloss type and repetition tasks on Iranian EFL learners’ intake of new words.
The impact of content and language integrated learning on ELT learners’ syntactic complexity in L2 writing.